Thursday, January 18, 2007

Library Nazis and more pictures

Library Nazis

Some things are universal. Like bitchy librarians. In order to use the computers at the highly-secured computer lab, we have to show our identification cards to the powertrippy woman behind the counter. We're only allowed one hour a day on the internet. For some reason, she thinks that Sarah's stupid, so she is really rude and bitchy to her. The problem is that, like at the movie theater, you have to speak through a little microphone that doesn't work very well. Even though this woman has to repeat the numbers four times for Spanish students, she flips out whenever Sarah asks her to repeat and starts talking really loud. It reminded me of how Mexicans get treated this way a lot in the US.

Our campus. Exotic trees, weird statues of Cervantes, Spanish fashion, fight against SIDA (AIDS)

The Canadian restaurant.


Matt said...

Sarah may have bad luck at the library, but she does have this thing where she always looks good in pictures.

M P said...

yay! at least canadians get commodified SOMEWHERE!