Sunday, January 21, 2007

Phantom Internets

Our most reliable stolen internet disappeared this weekend, and we were sadly wondering if our days of access from home were over. Gloriously, though, our wireless phantom has reappeared and we are online again! Sorry for the few days without any updates. Here's a short update about Thursday, I'll add more soon.


On Thursday night we decided to go out to a bar where an international student group meets each week. We met up with the other girls from our group as planned. Unfortunately, the person in charge of leading us to the bar only had the bar name and street name to get us there. We wandered around for about an hour (in high heels and an outfit far too cold for the night) before most of the other girls gave up and decided to just go to a different bar. Anne and I took the address from them and persisted. We eventually found the place, although it took another half hour. It should have been about three blocks from where we started out, but we had been going in completely the wrong direction. We met up with the student group, but by then it was ten minutes before the bar closed. Not all is lost, though. Everyone was really nice and we're planning to go salsa dancing with them next Tuesday.

Funny culture shock moment -

When we met the other students, we were completely caught off guard when they went to kiss us on the cheeks when we were introduced. We've heard that people do that here, but hadn't really experienced it. We were all able to laugh at us silly americans and our strangely formal tradition of shaking hands, though.

1 comment:

(The old) Vicky said...

Sarah- I'm glad you found your group! I love your blog and will pass the sight along. Mom